Hope that you all enjoyed your day and i have attached the results for you all to see.  Big thanks to Roy and the marshals and also Jamie the land owner for the use of the field at the last minute.  Congratulations to Duncan on O/A also to Jason on Class Win, Mark on 2nd in class and Jacob on the Novice award.  Was nice to see some new faces and will see you all at the next one.

A frantic hunt for a venue resulted in a new venue being found just outside Wadebridge welcoming an entry of twelve, including four novices. Initially the long grass proved extremely slippery but as cars completed the twenty four tests dust soon became prominent. Duncan Stephens continued his winning ways, but was pushed hard and soon after lunch a wrong route necessitated him driving harder. Mark Crowle’s Saxo was driving superbly challenging Stephens also having a wrong route. Bernie Muir returned after fifteen years with the family pool car and completed the podium with a clean day. Kylie Allen beat club president Roger Hoskin by two seconds, with Hoskin having two senior moment wrong routes. Jason Metters won the rear wheel drive class from Tom Moore who had to take a few maximums with a slipping clutch. Moore was blindingly fast with much flair on his first Camel Vale event. Scatter Navigator Jacob Williams won the novice award from Abi Eakers.

Duncan Stephens (Vauxhall Nova) 1004 seconds
Mark Crowle (Citroen Saxo) 1048
Bernie Muir (Nissan Micra) 1056
Kylie Allen (Citroen Saxo) 1083
Roger Hoskin (Vauxhall Nova) 1086
Jason Metters (Mazda MX5) 1151
Liam Hartley (Peugeot 205) 1175
Tom Moore (Mazda MX5) 1198
Jacob Williams (Triumph Spitfire) 1274
Abi Eakers (Mazda MX5) 1349